Lot for sale in Boisbriand
Ch. de la Côte S., Boisbriand
Ch. de la Côte S., Boisbriand MLS# 16401627The price also includes cadastres 2502918 & 2873615 (8 cadastres in total). Site of 4,212,460.7 ft2 to be developed and densified, located on Ch. de la Côte Sud in Boisbriand. Very close to Highway 640 and 15, with all the necessary services for future residential development. A popular area for redevelopment that is currently zoned agricultural, the land offers enormous potential for savvy investors looking for a long-term investment.
Section 16 of the Regulation respecting brokerage requirements, professional conduct of brokers and advertising provides as follows: "A licence holder representing a party must as soon as possible inform all unrepresented parties that the holder has an obligation to protect and promote the interests of the party represented and to act towards all other parties in a fair and equitable manner. » To make an informed decision, you are hereby advised of the choices available to you, either: (a) deal directly with the seller's broker and receive fair treatment; or b) do business with your own broker who will have an obligation to protect and promote your interests.Included
Property Type: Lot Price: $2.75 plus taxes Municipality: Boisbriand Address: Ch. de la Côte S. Year: 0City Evaluation
Lot: $590,200 Building: $0 Total : $590,200Dimensions
Lot Area: 4212460.7 Square feetRooms
Rooms: 0 Bedrooms: 0 Bathroom(s):0 Powder Room(s):0Characteristics
President and Agency Executive Officer | Certified Real Estate Broker
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T: 450.510.5010
C: 438.889.3056
F: 450.510.5011
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